At an extraordinary general meeting, Sika AG's shareholders voted mostly in accordance with the proposals and recommendations of the Board of Directors. In particular, the shareholders rejected the removal from office of Monika Ribar, Paul Hälg and Daniel Sauter. Max Roesle, who had been suggested by Schenker-Winkler Holding AG (SWH) as chairman of the Board of Directors, was not elected. The general meeting though rejected the compensation of the Board of Directors for the current term of office. Such rejection will, however, not have an impact on the Board's commitment for the company.
As announced previously at this extraordinary general meeting the Board of Directors, in application of the restricted share transferability clause according to article 4 of the articles of association, restricted the voting rights in relation to the registered shares held by SWH to 5% of all registered shares. Such restriction was applied in the interest of the company in order to maintain the status quo until the legal issues in dispute have been resolved in the ordinary proceedings. There was no voting rights restriction for the vote regarding the remuneration of the board of directors.
As announced previously at this extraordinary general meeting the Board of Directors, in application of the restricted share transferability clause according to article 4 of the articles of association, restricted the voting rights in relation to the registered shares held by SWH to 5% of all registered shares. Such restriction was applied in the interest of the company in order to maintain the status quo until the legal issues in dispute have been resolved in the ordinary proceedings. There was no voting rights restriction for the vote regarding the remuneration of the board of directors.