Sika on Tuesday said it is acquring KVK Holding a.s., a waterproofing and roofing systems – and mortar products – manufacturer based in Prague.
KVK generated 42 million CHF ($43.79M) in sales last year, according to Dominik Slappnig, corporate communications & investor relations for Sika.
KVK operates six production sites – three for the manufacture of mortar products, two for bituminous membranes and one for expanded polystyrene insulation (EPS ) for Building Envelope solutions.
“KVK is a proven industry leader, with a product portfolio and geographical presence that will increase our market penetration and support our growth strategy," said Ivo Schädler, regional manager EMEA. "The acquisition also brings us manufacturing expertise for waterproofing and insulation solutions."
KVK generated 42 million CHF ($43.79M) in sales last year, according to Dominik Slappnig, corporate communications & investor relations for Sika.
KVK operates six production sites – three for the manufacture of mortar products, two for bituminous membranes and one for expanded polystyrene insulation (EPS ) for Building Envelope solutions.
“KVK is a proven industry leader, with a product portfolio and geographical presence that will increase our market penetration and support our growth strategy," said Ivo Schädler, regional manager EMEA. "The acquisition also brings us manufacturing expertise for waterproofing and insulation solutions."