Sensory Analytics expanded its product line with a fully-automated means for can makers to measure all applied beverage and food container coatings: the SpecMetrix ACS-T34 System.
To create the fully-automated extension of its SpecMetrix ACS systems, Sensory partnered with Versatile Technology (Australia) to incorporate the SpecMetrix coating thickness and film weight measurement technology into Versatile’s fully-automatic gauging systems.
The integration of the exclusive SpecMetrix “ruggedized optical interference” technology enables the automatic gauge to accurately measure all internal and external coatings, including over-varnish layers over ink, for 202-300 body diameter beverage cans at any height without stopping or changeover.
Sensory’s ACS product offerings already include the semi-automated SpecMetrix ACS-1 and ACS-10 systems that provide plant teams with the flexibility to quickly and accurately measure single cans or 10-12 can batches in lab and plant QA environments.
All SpecMetrix ACS systems offer non-contact means to measure the absolute thickness of coatings, wet or dry, in real-time down to sub-micron levels.
SpecMetrix systems are able to measure all applied can coatings including single or dual layers, rim coats, wash coats and compound coatings on food or beverage cans.
To create the fully-automated extension of its SpecMetrix ACS systems, Sensory partnered with Versatile Technology (Australia) to incorporate the SpecMetrix coating thickness and film weight measurement technology into Versatile’s fully-automatic gauging systems.
The integration of the exclusive SpecMetrix “ruggedized optical interference” technology enables the automatic gauge to accurately measure all internal and external coatings, including over-varnish layers over ink, for 202-300 body diameter beverage cans at any height without stopping or changeover.
Sensory’s ACS product offerings already include the semi-automated SpecMetrix ACS-1 and ACS-10 systems that provide plant teams with the flexibility to quickly and accurately measure single cans or 10-12 can batches in lab and plant QA environments.
All SpecMetrix ACS systems offer non-contact means to measure the absolute thickness of coatings, wet or dry, in real-time down to sub-micron levels.
SpecMetrix systems are able to measure all applied can coatings including single or dual layers, rim coats, wash coats and compound coatings on food or beverage cans.