Azelis launched its new tagline: "Innovation through formulation."
Over the years, the specialty chemicals distributor has been investing resources, both financial and non-financial, to strengthen its services: Adding new application laboratories in all regions and creating award-winning formulations, while offering formulation support to its customers.
"Innovation through formulation" is the company’s new tagline and reflects its new strategic direction.
Azelis has expanded its number of labs from 12 to 60 since 2012 and increased the number of its lab professionals.
The company won more than 20 innovation awards in the past three years, all given by independent industry organizations.
“We have embarked on a journey from being a leading distributor of specialty chemicals and food ingredients to becoming a global, fully integrated and innovative service provider, with wide-ranging expertise in the industry," said Dr. Hans Joachim Müller, Azelis Group CEO. "An important part of this journey has been and remains organic growth with our partners and part of that growth is delivered through strong application and formulation support that comes from our laboratories. This additional value we create is very important to our customers and principals alike, it’s important to our owners and it stimulates a sense of pride and loyalty in our employees.”
Azelis also launched a new brand movie which tells the story of how Azelis’ innovations are part of daily life. The movie features only some of the most recent innovations the company has formulated: a customizable, bio-degradable facemask, a healthy brioche, high-protein milk, and paint with reduced settling in the can for longer shelf life.
Azelis has been celebrating its laboratory experts by sharing the profiles of these lab professionals on its corporate website and on the company’s social media pages. The company has also been promoting its labs and product innovations through many lab videos, both on its website and social media.
In total, Azelis has won over 20 innovation awards since 2015.