Registration for USGBC Live, a new virtual event experience for the global green building industry, is now open to the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) community. U
SGBC Live will be held June 8-10, 2021 and features daily keynotes and a compelling program line-up of topics touching on sustainability, the future of green building, health and wellness, resilience and equity in our buildings, homes, cities and communities.
USGBC President and CEO Mahesh Ramanujam will open the event and welcome the USGBC community to this inaugural event curated for the community, by the community.
“USGBC Live was designed to equip our industry leaders to meet their green building goals and objectives,” said Ramanujam. “It will serve as an important convening of our USGBC stakeholder network to showcase the USGBC and GBCI data, focusing on the LEED rating system and leadership stories while also offering a number of engagement opportunities.”
USGBC Live combines the expertise of the largest community of green building leaders with the data, insights, stories and leadership from the thousands of LEED and green building projects around the globe to produce insightful and engaging conversations.
This multi-day event will highlight lasting trends, how USGBC members are successfully managing building re-entry in a post-pandemic world, and the market shifts expected in 2021.
LEED will be the central focus of the event and will include conversations on mapping the future of LEED Zero (net-zero energy, water, waste and carbon) and LEED v4.1 (the latest version of LEED).
USGBC Live will also feature daily thought leadership plenaries, regional content channels and regional USGBC Leadership Awards.
USGBC Live will accommodate global times zones, including U.S., Canada and Latin America, Europe, Middle East, India and China. Each USGBC Live showing will feature regional content and speakers.
USGBC Live will provide the USGBC community with increased engagement and a convening opportunity, culminating in the annual Greenbuild conference in September.
Additional featured speakers include Adam Grant, professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, specializing in organizational psychology; climate activist Vic Barrett; Tom Szaky, founder and CEO of TerraCycle; and Paul Polman, co-founder & co-chair, IMAGINE; as well as other well-known speakers and presenters.