Kerry Pianoforte, Editor 08.14.15
The latest trend in home improvement is eco-friendly, healthy green products. Homeowners increasingly concerned about environment, as well as the health of their family. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has warned that indoor air is significantly more toxic than outdoor air. The Real Milk Paint Company says it has a solution to this problem with its milk paint.
According to Dwayne Siever, CEO and founder of The Real Milk Paint Company, milk paints have been a secret of the pros for years and it stayed that way because of the extremely difficult process involved in making milk paint. He said his company has made it easier to decorate with milk paint – users can now simply add the milk paint mixture to water.
The Real Milk Paint Company was founded in a renovated barn in Pennsylvania in 1995, but recently moved to middle Tennessee to expand. The company currently has six employees.
The Real Milk Paint Company makes a calcium caseinate paint known as milk paint. The main application for this product is for furniture, but it can be used in other applications too. “Many people find they love the old look and charm Real Milk Paint gives furniture,” Siever said. “However, it can be used for interior wall, brick, stone and stucco. It can be applied both indoors and outdoors.”
“Our paint is unique in the fact it is 100 percent biodegradable,” Siever added. “You can even use it as fertilizer for your yard or garden.”
The Real Milk Paint is currently sold in 250 nationwide retailers. It has also expanded globally and is sold in the UK and the Netherlands.
The focus of The Real Milk Paint Company will continue to be on environmentally responsible products. “We will continue to make products that are a benefit to the earth and the soil,” Siever said. “I am currently doing R&D on making a liquid wall paint out of corn starch.”