Ashland completed the expansion of its Viatel bioresorbable polymer manufacturing site and has relocated research and development (R&D) from Dublin to the National Science Park, Mullingar, Ireland. The National Science Park in Mullingar is home to a network of innovative organizations including Ireland’s leading research center for manufacturing solutions (IMR).
“Viatel bioresorbable polymers are used to deliver improved treatment solutions for many chronic diseases,” said Seán McMahon, business manager, Viatel bioresorbable polymers, Ashland. “These materials are the building blocks in extended-release drug formulations, bioresorbable medical devices and tissue engineering scaffolds. Relocation of R&D to the Mullingar site is critical for our new product development strategy and our ability to solve complex customer challenges with customized chemistry.”
Ashland supplies more than 70 GMP grades of lactide/glycolide/caprolactone copolymers within its growing ViatelTM portfolio, along with a state-of-the-art custom-made polymer production unit to serve changing customer requirements.
“This facility expansion allows Ashland to focus on serving our customer needs as they pursue clinical studies and prepare for commercialization,” said Dean Ross, global business manager, pharmaceutical specialties, Ashland. “We believe the Mullingar facility provides an excellent environment for manufacturing and creative problem-solving.”