R.D. Abbott Co., Inc. signed a new distribution agreement with ARLANXEO, a synthetic rubber company, to expand its distribution of ARLANXEO’s High Performance Elastomers nationwide to the continental U.S.
Prior to this revised distribution agreement, RDAbbott represented ARLANXEO’s HPE product lines in the western U.S.
This agreement, which went into effect Jan. 1, includes the following brand names: Keltan (EPDM); Baypren (CR); Krynac and Perbunan (NBRs); Therban (HNBR); and Levapren and Levamelt (EVMs).
ARLANXEO's HPE products are suitable for a wide range of industrial applications, including modifiers for plastic and adhesive raw materials, in gas and oil exploration and production, and in functional components for the automotive and cable industries.
Prior to this revised distribution agreement, RDAbbott represented ARLANXEO’s HPE product lines in the western U.S.
This agreement, which went into effect Jan. 1, includes the following brand names: Keltan (EPDM); Baypren (CR); Krynac and Perbunan (NBRs); Therban (HNBR); and Levapren and Levamelt (EVMs).
ARLANXEO's HPE products are suitable for a wide range of industrial applications, including modifiers for plastic and adhesive raw materials, in gas and oil exploration and production, and in functional components for the automotive and cable industries.